I have explored more works of Vincent Callebaut in this post.”Coral Reef“, “Dragonfly” and “Landscript” contains some of the same innovative concepts and eco-friendly approach that we have already seen in the Lilypad. While taking inspirations from natural forms similar to the likes of Antonio Gaudi, he has tried to resurrect nature friendly architecture in a more recent and technology oriented context which gives him a distinctive style.

Coral Reef aims to build prefabricated passive housing in the 2010 earthquake devastated Haiti. A basic module includes 2 housing units interlocked in duplex around a horizontal circulation unit. The overall form represents 2 large waves which can accommodate 1000 Haitian families. The housing units are stacked over one another in staggered rows ensuring that each roof gets a garden space to cultivate its own food.

Dragonfly is a project based on the emerging concept of vertical farms ( ie., farms grown along vertical direction like in skyscrapers, rather than taking up large horizontal extents of land). The project also consists of houses, offices, ecological laboratories etc. whose inhabitants would cultivate the vertical farms. The form is inspired by the transparent dragonfly wings, which exploits the solar energy for the farms.

Landscript project tries to reinvent a 220 hectare industrial area in Geneva into a denser and greener urban area. The main ideas behind this project is to maximize the vegetation cover since the existing site is almost devoid of vegetation, integration of water into urban space via ducts and creation of other natural spaces in the form of cocoons, atolls and mountains.